Rant From This Morning

imageI can’t stand the rat race, the hierarchy, the unapologetic arrogance of the white supremacist military industrial complex. Even sitting here delivering cookies on a goddamn bike in 5 degree weather I can’t help but notice, this leads me to feel anger, frustration and shame. Many feelings that would make me turn to either violence on the streets, or joining”them” just to once again be thrown into the incinerator; to die for them just to cull my population while simultaneously doing so to my brown brothers and sisters abroad. I feel trapped here like I was meant to be sacrificed. And for what? So you can keep a pampered privileged life of self denial and reign supreme in some farcical facade that your way of life is actually not the direct cause of every ailment our global community has been pained with? What can I do as just 1 man if the people unknowingly participate in their own oppression? How many times will I see this black elite class abandon their brothers due to self hate? This self image of the black man must be changed. We must flood the masses with positive images constantly, not just for the month of February, and not just ancient and old history, but modern day examples we can point to and say this is how we must be portrayed. We must detest and denounce the coonery militantly.